Descubra la reconocida excelencia de nuestros servicios de desarrollo de aplicaciones personalizadas, orientados al futuro, orientados a la calidad y centrados en el usuario. Nuestra metodología ágil acelera la disrupción, lo que da como resultado aplicaciones fáciles de usar y ricas en funciones que los usuarios adoran. Únase a nosotros y experimente el reconocimiento que nos hemos ganado gracias a nuestra experiencia inigualable.
Empresa de desarrollo de software personalizado y aplicaciones móviles
Aplicaciones Web de Vanguardia
Nuestro equipo de expertos está formado por desarrolladores versátiles y personal técnico capacitado para crear aplicaciones web dinámicas que sean escalables, seguras y fáciles de usar. Desde sistemas de nivel empresarial hasta plataformas de comercio electrónico interactivas, aprovechamos las últimas tecnologías para brindar experiencias web excepcionales que atraigan a sus usuarios y mejoren su presencia en línea.
Libera tu potencial
En OCTAGT, comprendemos que cada empresa es única y tiene sus propios desafíos y objetivos. Por eso creemos en el poder del desarrollo de software personalizado. Trabajamos en estrecha colaboración con usted para analizar sus requisitos específicos y crear soluciones innovadoras que aborden las necesidades de su empresa, agilicen los procesos e impulsen el crecimiento.
Soluciones Móviles que Deleitan
En el mundo actual, dominado por los dispositivos móviles, es fundamental contar con una sólida presencia en estos dispositivos. Nuestra experiencia en desarrollo de aplicaciones móviles abarca una amplia gama de plataformas, incluidas iOS y Android. Creamos aplicaciones móviles intuitivas y repletas de funciones que cautivan a su audiencia, mejoran la participación del usuario y se integran a la perfección con sus sistemas existentes.

Automatización en la Industria
OCTAGT es el proveedor líder de soluciones de automatización de vanguardia. Con nuestro conjunto integral de herramientas, permitimos que empresas como la suya optimicen sus operaciones, aumenten la eficiencia y se mantengan por delante de la competencia.
Case Studies
See the list below for the completed and delivered projects for our clients in different industries. At OCTAGT, we believe that successful projects are built on collaboration. Our culture fosters open communication and close integration with your team. By working hand in hand, we ensure that our development solutions align with your goals and exceed your expectations.

- Android App
- iOS App
- Web App
The Inspiration Behind Tu Cita 24/7
Tu Cita 24/7 is a user-friendly application designed to simplify the process of scheduling appointments across various establishments. Whether it's reserving a table at a restaurant, booking a beauty salon appointment, or securing a slot at a bank, users can effortlessly navigate through different categories or search for specific businesses. Once a suitable space is found, users can confirm the appointment and receive a unique QR code.
The concept of Tu Cita 24/7 was born out of the desire to provide individuals with a convenient and efficient way to manage their appointments. By offering a comprehensive platform that encompasses a wide range of establishments, users can easily find and reserve their desired slots. The QR code generated upon confirmation serves as a hassle-free digital ticket, eliminating the need for paper documents or additional verification on the day of the appointment. With Tu Cita 24/7, scheduling appointments has never been easier.

“The ability to capture non-well-documented requirements, and the flexibility to adapt to changes and new requirements. They had impressive backend architecture."
Carlos Mercado

- Android App
- iOS App
- Web App
The Inspiration Behind Pro Roads
In response to the pressing challenges faced by transportation companies, our innovative software was born. Faced with inefficient route planning, limited fleet visibility, and a lack of streamlined order tracking, we set out to develop a comprehensive solution.
The result is a game-changing platform that optimizes daily routes, provides real-time fleet monitoring, and equips drivers with a mobile app for order tracking and delivery confirmation. By addressing these pain points head-on, our software empowers transportation companies to overcome obstacles, streamline operations, and deliver exceptional service in a seamless and efficient manner. Say goodbye to the old limitations and welcome a new era of efficiency and customer satisfaction in the transportation industry.
Recognizing the need for efficiency and cost-effectiveness, we made the decision to implement this solution on the cloud. By leveraging cloud technology, we aim to provide transportation companies with a scalable and flexible platform that reduces the burden of costly infrastructure and maintenance. This cloud-based approach ensures seamless access to the software, streamlines updates and maintenance, and optimizes resource allocation.

“We appreciate how much OCTAGT cared about our project, they developed our solution always thinking and propossing the best way to do things."
Erika Cosme

- Android App
- iOS App
- Web App
- PLC's & Sensors
The Inspiration Behind Andon
In response to the growing need for real-time machine monitoring and control across various industries, we have developed a comprehensive solution. Our innovative platform enables businesses to seamlessly track and manage their machines or equipment through a web app and mobile app interface. By integrating hardware, sensors, PLCs (Programmable Logic Controllers), and software, we provide a robust ecosystem that facilitates efficient monitoring and issue resolution.
Through our solution, businesses gain real-time visibility into the status of their machines or equipment. They can easily identify whether the machines are running smoothly or facing any problems. In case of an issue, our platform allows for immediate action, notifying the relevant personnel to address the problem promptly. The integration with other systems ensures a holistic approach to operations, optimizing overall efficiency and productivity.
By combining cutting-edge technology and seamless integration, our solution empowers businesses across industries to take control of their machine monitoring and maintenance. With our platform, they can proactively address issues, reduce downtime, and maximize productivity, ultimately driving their operations towards greater success.

“OCTAGT our technological partner to developed this kind of solutions that anyone else had developed, we appreciate all your effort and we know that you are capable to do it this and more."